Hello to anyone who may find themself here! This post is about a shifting method that I created after receiving a tarot reading from a kind lady on Amino. After reflecting on the message that the reading gave me, I made this method.
How it Works
The embrace method is designed to help you sort through your current reality memories and overall life to help you forgive and release any emotions, and anything that you may have done or anything that may have been done to you in your CR so that you can detach from this reality. It also allows you to view your current life from another perspective, through the eyes of your desired self.
1. Get comfortable either sitting or laying in a calm, quiet place.
2. Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out, slowly close your eyes.
3. Imagine opening your eyes in and seeing that you are in a plain white room. You are sitting/laying on a plain white mattress that is on a solid gold bed frame. The room I completely white and empty except for a single mirror and a solid gold door.
4. Imagine standing up from the bed and walking over to the mirror. You see that you are your desired self. Take note of whatever emotions you may experience with the knowledge that you are everything that you've ever wanted to be.
5. Now imagine going to the door and notice that it is radiating a familiar energy. It I locked from your side, so you knock. When you knock, out hear your CR voice answer. They ask who you are, where you're going, and why you want to go there. Answer honestly as your desired self.
6. Imagine that your CR self opens the door, and when they do, you see that they're standing in a seemingly endless hallway. The hallway is lined with opened white doors that each go to an individual memory. The closest doors are your oldest memories, and the farthest are your most recent ones.
7. Ask your current self to lead you to the door that will take you home. As your CR self leads you through the hall, stop either at each memory door, or the most important memory doors. Ask your current self if they remember it. If they do, ask them how it makes them feel. If they don't, tell them how it makes you feel as your DR self. As each discussion ends, the doors shut themselves.
8. When you get to your most recent memory door, do not discuss it. Look ahead. You see another golden door, but this one has white light seeping from the cracks. Stop in front of it.
9. Look at your current self, and hug them. As you embrace them, tell them that all of the emotion and from their life and memories is forgiven, they don't matter anymore. Tell them that you forgive them for everything that they have done and everything that has been done to them. Feel as all negative emotions leave you both.
10. Release our CR self, and crack the door open. The white light is too bright to see what is past it. Before you enter, thank them for helping you find your way home. Whenever you're ready, tell them goodbye and watch as they exit through your most recent memory door. Now you go through the golden door, and notice that when you get past the light, you are in your desired room.
11. Shut the door, noticing that it is now your bedroom door. Lock it, and find your way to your desired bed. Lay down, and take a deep breath in while slowly closing our eyes. Do not open them at all. Fall asleep with the door locked to keep your current reality out. When you wake up, out should be in your DR, and the door will not be locked.
Guided Meditation
I also made a guided video for this method!
Sorry if it's hard to hear/understand, I was extremely tired while recording this audio haha!
{It was nearly 5 AM when I finally got it right}
( Made with Carrd )